Plant and Pottery Sale

Plant and Pottery Sale, Oct. 8th at Northgate Park

Trout Ceramics and Dog Fennel Farm Nursery will be having a Plant and Pottery Sale at Trout Ceramics’s Studio located at 101 Higbee Street in Northgate Park, Durham, on Saturday, October 8, 2022.

Carl Stearns, Dog Fennel Farm Nursery, will have southeast native pollinator plant seed bombs and seed packs, pawpaw seedlings, American persimmon seedlings, big leaf magnolias, fig trees, tulip poplars, black walnuts, redbuds, rattlesnake master, Carolina allspice and stinging nettles. Carl will be taking pre-orders for bare-root pawpaw, persimmon, bald cypress, shell bark, hickory and heart nut trees.

Trout Ceramics will be selling a wide array of pots, including medium to large scale planters.

9:00 am-5:00 pm
101 Higbee Street
Durham NC 27704
Rain date Oct. 15th 9am-5pm